

SMEAT 50th

Join Us FOR FREE on August 27,

3PM PST / 6 PM EST / 10 PM UTC

Meet Skylab astronauts, engineers, and historians!
Brought to you by the Searching for Skylab team

Ignite Your Passion For Space Exploration & Find Out More About This Unique Mission Which Never Left Earth But Made Sure People Who Did Were Successful!



To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Skylab Medical Experiment Altitude Test or SMEAT, we at team Skylab are holding a free access live conference on the 27th of August, streamed on Facebook and YouTube.

Come by to learn more and ask questions about this experiment that was so fundamentally important for the success of the Skylab mission.

Speaking are Skylab astronauts, SMEAT engineers, and historians, all ready to share their insight into what made this experiment a crucial part of the Skylab space station program.

our linepup


Coming up on Saturday -  we will commemorate SMEAT, the Earth-based simulation test of Skylab equipment and crew operations, essential for the success of Skylab only a few months later! We have a wonderful lineup of interesting people coming to talk to you about SMEAT and Skylab, including but not limited to:

Jim LeBlanc worked in the Crew Systems Division. He was the Test Conductor for SMEAT and was in charge of all the day to day operations of SMEAT engineering outside the chamber.

Diane Freeman had several jobs inside NASA, but her very first one was supporting medical experiments and flight plan preparation at SMEAT and subsequently at Skylab! She worked with space station operations up until the days of ISS.

Dr Edward Gibson was the Science Pilot on Skylab 4, the groundbreaking third mission to the space station. He is a pioneer of solar science and the first solar physicist to observe the Sun from space.

Johannes Kemppanen is a space historian and has conducted research into several Apollo missions, much of which has been published by NASA. He is also a historian for Apollo in Realtime and has consulted several media projects. He is currently preparing a Bachelor's Thesis in History on the subject of SMEAT and spaceflight simulation.

Dwight Steven-Boniecki Multi-award-winning director of the feature film 'Searching for Skylab, America's Forgotten Triumph' and author of Live TV from the Moon, Live TV from Orbit, and editor of Skylab 1 & 2: The NASA Mission Reports, Skylab 3: The NASA Mission Reports, and Skylab 4: The NASA Mission Reports.


2022 Searching for a Skylab